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2021 Map

Full Route Map-2.jpg

Sponsor 5km

Your support will have a profound positive impact on our participants. We strive to keep the cost of registration low, as we don't believe that finances should ever be a barrier to the arts. Your support ensures more youth, aged 9-17, in central Alberta have the opportunity to participate in live theatre. 


We have established a special sponsorship program for our marathon fundraiser. You can sponsor all, or part of the run that our Artistic Director, Albertus Koett, completes on May 13th. 


Sections of the run can be sponsored in 5km increments. Prior to race day, the marathon route will be posted on our website and all of our social media platforms, and will show the sponsor for each 5km section. 


On race day, whenever Albertus enters a sponsored section, a social media post will be made telling our followers that he has entered that section of the run, and what company/organization is sponsoring it.


Each 5km section can be sponsored for $200.00. You can sponsor us for multiple sections of the route, which will garner a social media mention for each section of the run that Albertus enters. 


To sponsor us, please fill out the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Marathon Sponsor Form

Thanks for submitting!

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