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Tree House Sponsorship Program

Contribute to Our Future

With your generous support, you will be helping us to provide a unique, challenging, and rewarding experience for youth ages 9-17 in central Alberta. Your support will go directly towards: 

  • Bringing in professional mentors from the Alberta theatre industry to work directly with our participants to learn industry standards in performance, stage management, and design 

  • Increasing the quality of our productions by providing us with funding to build sets, create costumes, and build props

  • Creating more opportunities for even more youth to participate in Tree House Youth Theatre programming


Listed below are the details on our sponsorship package, and how you can get involved. Thank you for taking the time.

Sponsor Info- $500.00/Production

As a way of showing our appreciation for your support, Tree House will provide the following as a way of publicly saying thank you:

  • Sponsorship opportunities are divided into productions throughout the season. Opportunities to sponsor this season include:

    • January 2025 THYT Showcase

    • June 2025 6th Annual THYT One-Act Festival

    • August 2025 Summer Camp

  • A full-page in our program will be dedicated to your organization/company. This page will feature your logo, a small write-up, and a QR code to link to your website. The program will also be available digitally, with hyperlinks on your sponsor page to your content. The full-page will be in-between actor headshot pages

  • 4-Tickets to the production that you sponsor (January, June, and/or August Summer Camp)

  • Your company/organization will be tagged and mentioned at the bottom of every social media post about the production you are sponsoring

  • During our productions, your company will be thanked publicly during the presentation as part of the intro, during intermission, or prior to the final production

  • Your logo will be featured on our Sponsor Page for each production your organization sponsors, with a write-up, and link to your website

  • Each month we will make a personalized post for your company for our social media thanking you for your support, with links to your website

  • A banner will be displayed in the lobby of all performances with sponsor logos on it

  • Your company logo will be placed on all posters (print and digital) associated with the show you are sponsoring

  • Every week your company logo will appear in the "Sponsored By" footer of the newsletters that we email parents/guardians​

If you would like to become a Sponsor, or have any questions related to the program, please email us at or click the button below.

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